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Xandr (AppNexus) - New York, NY - Software Engineer | TV Data Pipeline (August 2019 - Present)
- Architected and managed a cross-team, client facing project that allows advertisers to request and receive attribution reports for their TV Ad Campaigns
- Led a Spark (Scala) integration requiring ETL on 10+ inputs from 4 external teams
- Developed microservices utilizing Kafka, Hadoop, and Vertica to create a reliable data pipeline
- Acted as an intern manager through defining work, weekly one-on-ones, continuous feedback
and official performance reviews
AppNexus - New York, NY - Software Engineer Intern | Optimization (June - August 2018)
- Met with PMs and other stakeholders to design a logger for improving optimization projects
- Learned MapReduce paradigm and enterprise-level version control practices
- Researched a new data protocol, suggested improvements and bug fixes, and devised solutions by pulling insights from the data
Redhorse Corporation - Arlington, VA (Remote) - Junior Application Developer (September 2017 - Present)
- Coordinated with Project Managers remotely and partook in weekly syncs with team
- Developed PHP web application to generate Word documents from user specified input
- Researched Information Based Sensor Management (IBSM) to determine how an existing project may be integrated into and improve our new system design
Redhorse Corporation - Arlington, VA - Application Developer Intern (June - August 2017)
- Received professional training is a 4-day intensive Python and JavaScript course.
- Wrote full stack code in Python, JS, bash, HTML, and CSS with an Elasticsearch backend for a proprietary talent management system
- Integrated IBM Watson and Facebook's fastText into our system to provide a richer dataset, more accurate query results, and ~x10 faster synonym generation
- Leveraged Elasticsearch's functionality to tailor search algorithms to company’s preferences
- Participated in daily scrum meetings as part of our team's Agile development strategy and created PowerPoints biweekly to demo our product for different company personnel
H&M Bay Inc. - Federalsburg, MD - IT Intern (Summer 2016)
- Worked under Director of IT to learn company structure, ColdFusion, and SQL
- Designed webpages in ColdFusion with JavaScript to populate a database with user input
- Optimized SQL queries to efficiently add, modify, and delete equipment information
- Created a complete IT work order system to schedule maintenance routinely and notify relevant employees via email
Malibu's Surf Shop - Ocean City, MD - Retail Worker / Surf Instructor (Summers 2014-2016)
- Gained interpersonal skills from hours of one on one teaching and in store customer service
- Contributed to company standard of highest rated surf lessons in Maryland by Google
- Used problem solving to expedite the learning time of students
Relevant Experience
- Bridr Rides iOS App (React-native, redux, firebase)
- Budget Mobile App (Ionic 2, Javascript, Typescript)
- GroupMe Cleverbot (Javascript)
- Congressional Votes App (Django Python deployed to Heroku)
- Human Genome Assembler (C++)
- Konigsberg Bridge Recursion Proof (Java)
- Minimum Spanning Tree Finder (Java)
- Self Balancing Binary Search Tree (Java)
Technical Skills
- Experienced with: Python, Scala, Spark, JavaScript, Kafka, Java, MySQL, SQL, Hadoop, Agile Development
- Proficient with: Hive, Django, Git, C++, Ionic 2, IBM Watson, HTML5, CSS, Elasticsearch, Photoshop, Illustrator
- Familiar with: React, React-native, JQuery, Arduino, Assembly Language, Typescript, AWS, Heroku, Final Cut Studios, ColdFusion
- Co-led the final intern project presentation to CEO, COO, and division VP of Redhorse Corp(2017)
- Taught middle and lower school students programming principles during “Hour of Code”(2015)
- Student-Body President during my senior year of high school (2015)
- High School Varsity Basketball and Tennis team captain (2014, 2015)
- Member and Representative of Worcester County Youth Council (2013-2015)
- CS: Algorithmic Design I & II (Java), Intro to Software Engineering (C++), Digital Logic Design,
Intro to Computer Architecture, Operating Systems (Java), Data Structures and Algorithms(Java/C++), Fundamentals of Computation,
Principles of Information Security, Computer Networks, Text Processing (Python), Data Visualization (D3), Big Data Design (Hive, MapReduce, Pig)
- Math: AP Calculus I-II, Vector Calculus, Trans. to Advanced Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics, Statistics for Engineers
- Business: Introduction to Economics, Introduction to Marketing, Entrepreneurism and Free Enterprise
- Miscellaneous: Fundamentals and Digital Media Art, Business Writing, HNRS: Rhetoric (public speaking)
The Rensselaer Medal: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Award for Math and Science
- Salutatorian - Worcester Preparatory School (Berlin, MD)
- President's List (x3), Deans List (x4) (University of South Carolina)
Mckissick Scholarship (University of South Carolina)
The Wilson Scholarship in Computing: Incoming freshmen with strong academic records and leadership experiences...
Fain Scholarship: The Fain Scholarship is intended to provide an incentive for upper division Computer Information Systems and Computer Science majors to become entrepreneurs...
- WMDT Scholar Athlete Award - Delmarva (2015)
During a 28 day span from mid May to mid June 2016 I was fortunate enough to be able to backpack to the 12 cities listed below in
10 different countries across Europe and Asia. This trip was taken with two friends from high school who shared a similar passion
to explore different countries, cultures, and experiences.
- Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Paris, France
- Barcelona, Spain
- Rome, Italy
- Florence, Italy
- Venice, Italy
- Copenhagen, Denmark
- Berlin, Germany
- Prague, Czech Republic
- Vienna, Austria
- Budapest, Hungary
- Istanbul, Turkey
After graduation I took a similar trip to motorbike through Vietnam with 3 other friends. We visited villages, towns, and cities throughout the entire country.
Additionally we traveled to a few other countries on our journey.
- Vietnam
- Singapore
- Thailand